Frog and Pond

 Do you know how friends will talk  to themselves? Here is the sample, “I know your frail point mad, and I will rip out your blood at any time”. Another friend replies, “I don’t wait until you kick my back, I will strike you down instantly with the gun you gave me before”. Then the first friend continues, “Loser!! I gave you the gun but not the bullets”. This is how the wrangle goes between Pakistan and USA. Even after they strike down each other, none of us should call them as enemies. They will continue their friendship, because they want to corrupt the after world too. Pakistan could beg to India rather than gaining from this friendship. On the other hand US could trust Russia instead of Pakistan. Even after everything happened, US hadn’t understood that ‘enemy as an enemy’ is far better than ‘traitor as a friend’.

Tension in relation between US and Pakistan is not a Tsunami but a monsoon. US Presidents could list out hundred reasons for the need of friendship between Pakistan. But I wonder why couldn’t they mention even single gain through that? How many incidents proved the disloyalty of Pakistan to US? Osama’s safe house is predominant among them. And the recent one is attack on US soldiers at Kabul.

If we look back the origin of US-Pak relationship, we could understand that this relation is not due to natural attraction but due to artificial cohesion. On the time of cold war, US believed that India is the strategic partner of USSR and so US treated India as a threat. On that time the conception “foe of a foe becomes a friend” did work out. On the other hand Pakistan expected a strong support from US to decline itself as a regional power. Thus these two algebraic equations led to a single solution called ‘US-Pak friendship’.


In the long list of inter-relational conflicts between US-Pak relation, latest addition is ‘Haqqani’. It is not for the first time allegations were made against Pakistan on its closer relation with terror groups. But the recent exposure of such unethical network of ISI is done by one of the top military Official of US. And strong voices have been rising in US senate house to review its relation and aid package to Pakistan which they are currently giving. The root of this problem is from Afghanistan. ‘Haqqani’ is a terrorist group which is operating in the Afghan soil   against the Western influence in the country. Haqqani is declared as responsible for recent attacks on US soldiers in Afghan soil. And US explored the aid of ISI to Haqqani network in Afghan. After this, everything was played  out of curtains.

But this time no one has expected that Pakistan will make comment like this. Really US didn’t expect that Pakistan will reflect its carelessness about break of relation with US. So far frog was enjoying the wealth of an age-old pond. And that frog has found out that water is drying in that pond. So the frog shifted its habitat, joined new pond with full of water. Later US understood that the new pond is China. Pakistan believes that strategic relation between China will give better result rather than aid package of US in its issues with India. Pakistan is committing the same mistake again. There is nothing wrong in gaining relation of a neighbor. But it is wrong when the intention of that relation is to strike down another neighbor. We have to wait and see how long this frog is going to stay in this new pond.